Impact Statements

“It is truly a great honor to have received an award from your organization. It is amazing to me that there are people in this world through perseverance and whole heartedness make a difference in other people’s lives.The award that was given to me is going to help aid me to reach my current goals in life with more ease. As a young adult, I am pursuing further education, working, and thinking of the future. I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to your organization. The impact that you have made on my future has truly made the difference.The work that you are doing to help others and myself not only impacts individuals but also entire families. It is inspiring to me, and I will always hold your kindness close to my heart. Thank you for your time and effort into helping others. It is all recognized. ”

— Richmond, TX Recipient

“My husband and I cannot thank you enough for the money you gave us as a contribution. It means the world to us. This contribution is going to get us a place to live for ourselves. We have been on the streets for almost a year before we got the job at Wawa. With working there and your amazing contribution we can finally get a place of our own. It's been a struggle for us both and with this most generous gift we have plans to look forward to. I'm not in good health and I have had 2 strokes and I'm only 51. I am always in the hospital and this gives me hope for a future with my husband and friends. So you can say without a doubt to you save my life. I can't thank you enough. Thank you again and from the bottom of my heart you and your organization are truly appreciated and blessed. ”

— Orlando, FL Recipient

“I have struggled with the words to say. Thank you is just not big enough to express my gratitude. When I received this award, I was negative in my account and had 4 prescriptions waiting for pick up and $400 in bloodwork I needed to get done. The stress that comes with being financially in a situation where you have to decide between medications you need and basic essentials is my biggest struggle in life. I have 2 autoimmune diseases and as they have progressed I have had to step down to part time work and start more serious medication. This effects me in so many ways I couldnt explain them all. In January I was hospitalized and missed 2 weeks of work at 2 jobs and had no idea how I was going to catch up and be able to afford all of the medications I need. This award has given me support and help in ways I never thought would be offered to me. I'm an average person with an average life. I never in a million years thought someone would think I was worth giving to on this level. I am single with no family and no support so everything falls on me. Nothing makes you more acutely aware of that then when you have to uber home from a hospital because theres no one to pick you up and you cant drive. While simultaneously stressing about paying for it and knowing that means youll have to sacrifice picking up a medication or getting groceries. I could never thank you or my sponsor enough for this no matter how much I tried. Being able to go to the dr, miss a day of work if I'm sick, pick up medications without hesitation and before I run out is the biggest kindness and gift I could ever receive. Without this I dont know what state I would be in health wise. It is not an exaggeration to say that this in many ways has saved my life. I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart for this award and giving me the ability to provide myself the medical care I need to keep living every single day. The world is not always kind and more often than not we forget that there is goodness and beauty in it. Thank you from the deepest part of me for reminding me that there are still all of those things. I will never forget the kindness you have shown to me and please know you have changed my life. Thank you for giving me the ability to breathe a little and know I can provide myself the healthcare I need and so many have to go without. I am truly grateful.”

— Seabrook, TX Recipient

“Thank you for the generous gift, words can’t express how much I appreciate it. I really don’t know how I would have made it without it. Your foundation is truly the blessing of a lifetime. Thank you for thinking of me. I was able to pay rent and my lodging at the Mayo Clinic at the Help in Healing House. I’m blessed to have a new kidney, but your generous donation made the financial part a little easier. I’m my sole support financially, but the donation made my life a lot easier. ”

— N. Las Vegas, NV Recipient

“I want to thank each one of you who is behind this beautiful institution. Thank you for your hard work and for all this time of dedication you have invested. Thank you for this great gift, undoubtedly Mr. Robert’s heart is still on this earth making itself felt everywhere. I know that this letter will be read by many people who did not have the privilege of knowing him and I would like to tell you how little I knew about him, but the great impression he left in our lives. Mr. Robert was always a very humble and simple man, he was characterized by his smile, he loved to joke and always put a smile on the faces of others. A super hardworking man, he was always doing something. When I talked to people we know in common, you would always hear that Mr. Robert is helping them with something or doing repairs in their house, etc. He was a man so willing and ready to help whoever needed. Last year before leaving, he gave me a gift and his words were “Enjoy it with your family”. Many things when through my mind where I could use the money. Such as making repairs on the house or taking the trip of our dreams. But my mind focused on my daughter who graduated from High school with a huge desire to study in nursing. A dream of the whole family, because if this comes to fruition, she will be the first to graduate of all our generations. I think that when I told Mr. Robert it somehow hit him. He once told me that the best inheritance you can give your children is school. That they should become someone and that if she wanted to study I should always support her. A big surprise this year was that he wanted to support her, despite the fact that he never met my daughter. This year we received this award that will be used to continue this great dream. It will be in his memory thanks to the support from all of you. Even in his last days he left me a great lesson and such a different way of seeing life. Without a doubt, Mr. Robert will be remembered with a lot of affection and will live forever in our hearts.”

— Katy, TX Recipient

“Words can’t describe the amount of gratitude I have towards Mr. Robert and his foundation. His award has already been a huge blessing to me any my future. My parents have always worked hard for a better future for us and have always worked with what they have and sometimes that meant sacrificing certain things to be able to afford certain materials for school etc. Mr. Robert’s award has helped immensely with the financial burden for my college education. It has financially facilitated my educational journey towards becoming a registered nurse. Something I never imagined would happen. Becoming a registered Nurse has been my dream for as long as I can remember, but the thought of how we were going to pay it always scared and worried me. I knew my parents were going to want to help me but I didn’t want to be a burden for them because I know how expensive life is and I know my little brother is going to start his college journey soon and I wanted them to focus on him now. So when I found our I was receiving this award, I couldn’t believe it. My prayer and worries were answered. My current goal is to finish my Medical Assistant Program and get certified to get a foot in the medical field while I still wait to hear back on my nursing school application results. I’m in love with my program and everything I am learning in it. I truly believe this was the correct path for me and I know I can help a lot of people and can’t wait to do so. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for me and it’s all thanks to this amazing foundation and Mr. Robert’s big heart. Thank you so much for choosing me out of all the applicants, I will be forever grateful to Mr. Robert and everyone involved because without you guys, this wouldn’t be possible, so thank you!”

— Houston, TX Recipient

“First of all, on behalf of our entire family please accept our warmest greetings and through this letter we would like to formally extend our most sincere thanks for the financial support you have given us during these difficult moments of our lives. We want to inform you that thanks to your help we were able to pay bills that were about to be disconnected. Thanks to you and your angel father we have electricity, water and food in our home. You might already know a little bit of our story and although our battle is not over yet. I will stay strong as I have been about to give up multiple times, but then I look around me and my family is there, following my steps, and I cannot give up on them. I trust infinitely that if god sent me this battle, it is because I have been chosen. I only ask him for the strength to move forward. I will keep fighting while he is present, because what you have done for us is a clear sign that he has not abandoned us, as only he knows what we have been through. I know I do not have much to offer at this time my lift, but if there is anything we can do for ECI, you can count on us. For now you all will be present in our daily prayers. We would like to thank you once again for your great help and generosity. All the way to heaven a greeting to Robert Erbrick Sr. who must be very proud of what you all are doing for others.”

— Patterson, CA Recipient

“Thank you from the depths of my heart for the invaluable financial support you've extended to me to continue my education. As a young man from an immigrant family, the dream of higher education has always been a beacon of hope amidst the challenges we've faced. Your generosity has provided a lifeline, a chance to pursue that dream despite the financial hurdles that threatened to derail it. With your support, I can continue my journey towards a degree, a journey that holds immense significance not just for me, but for my family and future generations. Your award means more than just financial relief; it's a symbol of belief and empowerment. It signifies the breaking of a cycle, as I strive to become the first in my family to attain a college degree. The weight lifted from my shoulders allows me to fully immerse myself in my studies, without the constant worry of making ends meet. It's a chance to excel academically, to explore opportunities, and to pave a brighter path for those who come after me. Your generosity has not only changed my life but has planted seeds of hope and possibility for the future. Thank you for being a guiding light in my journey, for keeping my academic candle glowing, and for helping me turn my dream into reality.”

— Katy, TX Recipient

“I recently moved to Katy at the end of April from the Energy Corridor/Memorial city area. Been working in Houston the last 5 years and this city has brought me treasured memories and friends I would’ve never thought possible. It’s truly the best community and it always feels as if everyone has each other’s back. Recently this year my health has gotten low and unstable to the point I am unable to work like I used to. It is my priority to put my health first before anything because without my health being intact I am not able to provide for my family and be able to do any of the goals I’m trying to accomplish this year. All the dreams and everything that I had planned for this year have come to a pause. This award will open so many doors and opportunities to not just get myself 100% back to normal with my health, but it’s also able to provide for my family in ways I would’ve never believed possible in our times of need. I will be able to finally get my citizenship thanks to this award and make everything my mother went through to get me where I am more than worth it. This will make my family proud. When you’re at your lowest and seems like all hope is gone we tend to be afraid/feel guilt to ask for a hand. It’s okay to ask for help in times of need, we all are one. The desire to do better is inherent in our nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for more; people are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more beauty, more knowledge, better health, increase in something, more life. We all share the same ideology that what we want for ourselves, we want for others. Bob’s legacy has the opportunity to not just chance people’s lives, it can make a difference and show a light of hope to folks that don’t realize it truly exists.”

— Katy, TX Recipient

“Rubies and Pearls would like to thank you once again for your generous donation. The girls are enjoying two of the laptops that were recently purchased. A few of the girls were running out of school supplies, personal hygiene supplies and because of the donation received, we were able to purchase new supplies and products! We were able to buy journaling books and enrichment books for those who will be home for the summer. We plan to take all the girls on a commercial tour bus to the Statue of Liberty before the summer ends. Most of the girls that attend the program are cared for by grandmothers or great grandmothers, they have never had the opportunity to leave their town! Mr. Erbrick, I have been doing this since 2011 and this is the first donation I have ever received that was over one hundred dollars at one time. We are so grateful to you and your organization.”

— Rubies and Pearls Atco, NJ

“I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for all you have done for me. This award is going to help me get a new place to live and food so I can start putting my life together. There are no words I can say but thank you 100 times over. Your beautiful charity is changing lives. I know that you have changed mine forever. Again, thank you so much for helping me out.”

— Kissimmee, FL Recipient